Display ads act as a type of online advertisement that combines text, images, and a URL that links to a website where a potential customer can learn more about your service or buy a product. These ads can be static, meaning there is a single, still image, or dynamic with multiple images or video. Display ads are perfect for building brand awareness. They help give your brand a visual identity while finding your target audience via retargeting ads and geofencing marketing.

Retargeting Ads
When users visit your site, many of them will fail to convert, meaning they didn’t pay for your product, fill out a form, etc. This doesn’t mean you have a bad website/product/service. Many people “window shop” online or like to research a product before committing, so they may even visit your site multiple times before making a decision.

This is where Retargeting Ads come into the fray. They act as your best tool to keep your business in the front of users’ minds as they search different sites and drive them back to your own.

Geofencing marketing involves setting up virtual perimeters around a physical location in order to track whenever someone with a mobile device is within a certain distance. This helps ads become more relevant as the ad shows up for a nearby storefront, service, brand, restaurant, or product relevant to the user’s location.

For example, think about when you go on vacation. You open your phone and begin to search for restaurants in the area, but before you can even finish typing in your search you’re already seeing ads for restaurants. This isn’t your phone reading your mind, it’s geofencing marketing. At some point, you crossed a threshold that pinged your phone and told advertisers that you were in the area, and this shows based on the ads that now pop up on your phone.
While it may seem off-putting at first, especially if you weren’t familiar with how geofencing marketing worked prior to this blog post, this form of advertising is really your best friend. This helps pinpoint potential new customers in the area without you having to lift a finger (besides developing the ads, of course).